The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Recent Enhancements and Changes -- Executable Program
Copyright 1985-1991 by Paul Munoz-Colman. All rights reserved.
┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
│ Paul Muñoz─Colman │ Phone: (703) 435─1110 (home) │
│ 11645 Charter Oak Ct., #201 │ 487─8658 (office) │
│ Reston, VA 22090─4526 │ 71141,1224 CompuServe or PCMagNet │
. 14.20. For changing events, an improper "Date Too Large" message has been
. 14.19. The Help Text file can now be viewed at any time in a
context-sensitive manner by pressing F5. The clock screen instruction recall
key is accordingly changed to Shift-F5.
. Personal Calendar is now ASP Shareware (Association of Shareware
Professionals. License terms, site license terms and prices have changed.
. For a registered user, the "Popping Down" screen may be optionally
. Separate topic files have been added to the archive for user
. 14.18. For a registered user, passing Personal Calendar's startup screen
is faster, and may be optionally bypassed altogether.
. 14.17. Personal Calendar's Shareware license fee for a registered copy of
the program is now $35.
. Additional changes to batch file processing in TSR mode were made.
. 14.16. As a task under Windows 3.0, Personal Calendar will now run in
non-TSR mode successfully. Under Windows 3.0 in TSR mode, PC will run with no
conflicts, but does not make effective use of the TSR capability, due to
Windows' intercept of the pop down.
If started prior to running Windows 3.0, PC may be used in either TSR or
non-TSR modes. If chosen, PC will stay in TSR mode, but will not pop up while
Windows 3.0 is active. Normal TSR functions are restored on termination of
. 14.15 and 16. Minor anomalies in handling a shell to a batch file in TSR
mode were also corrected. Return from a batch file in TSR mode now requires
that the CALPOPUP command be included at the end of the batch file in all
. 14.15. Popping up over WordPerfect Office 3.0 SHELL in or out of a LAN
environment will no longer hang the system, due to some more armor added for
the strange interrupt handling that this shell employs.
. Source code is no longer available as Shareware, but only as
licensed material for an additional fee to those who register the program.
. 14.12. On popping up, the delay on testing if DOS is busy has been reduced
from five seconds to one second.
. On popping down, the state of the caps, num, insert and scroll keys
are restored (oops, that goody got deleted from 14.10 without my realizing it,
. A minor error has been corrected in the option to prevent popping
up over video screens which can't be saved.
. There is a new file CALNAMES.DAT which contain PC's procedure names
for any error message. File CALERROR.DAT is 12K smaller in size and overall
disk requirements are 8K smaller.
. PC is now packaged as an authenticated PKZIP archive.
. 14.11. If running under DOS 3.0 or later, PC may now be started from any
directory, by using the full pathname of the program, or by having the program
in the DOS PATH. If running under DOS 2.x, PC must still be started from its
own directory.
. The user program DOS color attribute is now restored properly upon
non-resident shell or program termination.
. 14.10. I've provided several enhancements and corrections because of
MicroHelp's new Stay-Res Plus version 4.00 and other efforts:
. In TSR Mode, the portion of the program which remains in DOS memory
(the TSR kernel) has been reduced by about half from 10,600 bytes to about
6,000 bytes !!
. Also in TSR Mode, the portion of the program which swaps to EMS or
to each of the two disk swap files has been reduced about 20%, from about
280,000 bytes to about 230,000 bytes !!
. On a pop down to an EGA or VGA screen, the screen restore no longer
gives incorrect colors.
. On a pop down, screen saves will now go to EMS memory only if that
mode is also chosen for program swapping (and likewise for disk swapping). If
not enough EMS memory is available for both, screen saves then go to disk. The
disk screen save file is now written to the same path as the program swap
. If popping up over a video mode which is not supported (greater than
19 decimal, therefore non-standard), you have the option to suppress the pop up
to avoid disturbing the screen, or to pop up and thus restore a blank screen on
pop down.
. If the earliest event is in a future year and automatic pop up on
date/time is set, the program now pops up at the correct date/time.
. Printer support has been added for the HP IIP/III/IIID LaserJet and
for the IBM 4019 LaserPrinters. In absence of printer selection, the default
is now to not alter your printer's setup (which was already selectable as an
option). Flushing the print file at completion has also been added to ensure
compatibility with network printers.
. When running a DOS command in TSR mode, the command may now be
interrupted prior to completion by a pop up by hot key or date/time, and will
pick up where it left off on the next pop down.
. If the program hasn't yet popped down, it's no longer necessary to
terminate and restart to switch between EMS and disk swapping modes.
. A "snow" checking option has been added for CGA monitors, which can
be set from the Memory-Resident options menu.
. The name of the disk swap files have been changed to CALSWAP.000
& CALSWAP.001.
. If you have specified a non-existent disk swap drive/path, it is now
automatically be changed to PC's startup path.
. 14.00. Personal Calendar is now Shareware. Source code is now available
for an additional fee. PC is now packaged with PKWare's PKZIP version 1.10.
. Personal Calendar is now compiled with Microsoft Professional BASIC
7.10 and linked with segmented-executable linker 5.10, making the program yet
somewhat smaller and faster.
. Special modifications were made in conjunction with JP Software to
ensure greater compatibility with 4DOS release 3.01a.
. An error has been corrected which used EMS memory for swapping if
it was available even if requested not to.
. 12.75. On the pop down screen, the number of the user's program video page
being restored is now shown along with the BIOS mode. Additional video page
pop up adjustments were made.
. 12.74. Adjustments were made to allow pop ups over video pages other than
zero in text mode.
. If the programs starts in a mode or on a page other than text mode
and page zero, it is returned to that page and mode upon termination.
. If the program pops up over a user program which is in 43-line (EGA)
or 50-line (VGA) mode, screen save and restore now occurs correctly.
. I finally found and excised the residual cursor that appears from
time to time when the program pops up!
. 12.73. If the program pops up over an EGA, VGA, or MCGA screen, the
underlying screen will be saved to EMS memory, if it is available. If it is
not, the same disk save method previously used to file CALSCRN.DAT is still
. 12.71 and 72. A more reliable solution to the problem of unwanted popups is
now provided, including prevention of those caused by DESQView.
. If disk swapping is chosen to become memory-resident and
insufficient space exists, the exact shortage in bytes is now given.
. 12.70. I reduced the size of the program by 40% and made it still faster.
. There are two new printer control options to limit the number of
lines printed before ejecting a page, and to pause the printer between pages.
. If the program is started when it is already memory-resident, it now
pops up the active memory-resident copy automatically.
. There is no longer an unwanted pop up when certain programs
(TreeView and Word Perfect) are initialized.
. I added a word left/right (ctrl-left/right) to input editing. I
also added the "home" and "end" keys, which do the same as shift-tab and
. I took this list out of the help file and put it in a separate file.
I took some data out of the program and put it into file CALINIT.DAT.
. The program no longer aborts with an "out of string space" error if
more than 255 events are overdue at once. (Were you extremely busy or gone a
long time <grin>!?)
. The error messages which occur are more informative.
. 12.62. Adequate disk space for the disk swap files is now tested for and
reserved properly before popping down the first time.
. 12.60 to 62. PC is now compiled/bound by Microsoft PDS BASIC 7.00/ LINK
5.05. New options were used to make PC smaller and faster.
. 12.50 to 12.62. If old disk swap files exist in a different path from which
PC is started, they are now released properly when PC restarts.
. 12.60. PC no longer fails to pop down the first time AFTER using F6 or F7
(DOS SHELL) with the message "not enough memory to become memory-resident".
An error with the MS QuickBASIC 4.50 SHELL function disappeared in BASIC 7.00.
. 12.51. If automatic pop down is disabled because an event is overdue, you
are informed of this during automatic startup.
. You have the option to make PC ask you for the date and time, useful
if your PC doesn't have a permanent battery-operated clock.
. 12.49. Esc and F1 can now both be used to accept event data changes.
. 12.45 to 48. Many cosmetic screen adjustments and corrections were made.
. 12.45. PC is now available as a ZIP file (1.02) for BBS users.
. The hourly chimes no longer sound twice on a day change.
. Changing to Manual Startup no longer gives a FILE NOT FOUND error.
. After a printer error, recovery prompts are correctly positioned.
. There is no longer an unwanted automatic pop down after changing
memory-resident options.
. 12.44. In TSR mode, the control, shift, and alt keys can now be used
without a function key to pop up.
. 12.43. The system no longer hangs on program termination after a "not
enough memory to become resident" condition occurs.
. 12.42. In TSR mode, disk swapping is now attempted automatically if
EMS memory is not available.
. In TSR mode, PC can now be set to pop down automatically, after
automatic startup is complete, giving hands-free intialization!
. 12.41ß. The number of lines of notes or history to insert or delete is set
to zero prior to input (preventing inadvertent information loss).
. 12.38ß. In TSR mode, PC can now pop up over text, EGA and VGA graphics
screen modes. Screen saving/restoring is automatic.
. 12.32ß. The options menu for TSR mode was implemented.
. 12.30ß. The appointment file is now permanently updated more often.
. I used MicroHelp's Stay-Res Plus to make PC a TSR!
. 12.10 and 12.30ß. I changed the startup color defaults again.
. 12.10. I used MicroHelp's Mach 2 package to speed up the execution of the
program, and to give me greater graphic capability.
. There are now quarterly and yearly rescheduling options.
. 11.88. From the main menu or from the clock screen, you can run a stored
DOS command and come back to PC. The file CALDOS.DAT has been added to store
the command.
. 11.86 to 11.88. From the Main Menu or from the Clock Screen, you can run a
stored DOS command/session and come back (uses new file CALDOS.DAT).
. 11.86. From the main menu or from the clock screen, you can run a DOS
session and come back to PC. The memory available for this session is
variable, due to string management by QuickBASIC.
. 11.81. References to the "enter" key now read "return" key. References to
function keys now read "F" instead of "PF".
. 11.80. The wording of the main menu has been simplified.
. 11.79. When an event becomes overdue, it now blinks as well as appearing
. 11.77. The number of events and the number of history items now appear in
the separator lines of the ASCII file or printed list.
. 11.76. On the main menu, using/changing an existing Appointment File is now
a separate menu pick from creating a new file. Help to a new user
automatically picks create a new file upon exiting from Help.
. 11.75. There is now the capability to change the event and note capacity in
the Appointment File from 60 (now the default) down to 20 or up to 300, in
multiples of 20.
. 11.72. There are now 7 color pairs instead of 4. I separated out events
from instructions, menus from notes, and clock from calendars. I chose a new
set of default colors.